Informative Speech Topics

One of the hallmarks of oration speeches is that they must be formal and logical. If you are asked to inform your audience about a particular topic, you must ensure that you sound neutral. From your informative speech thesis statement, it should be clear that you have no intention of debating facts.

What is an informative speech?

An informative speech is designed to inform users about a subject without being argumentative or persuasive. While it may seem like a simple task, meeting the requirements for these speeches can be daunting. First, you need to come up with an interesting topic that isn’t too controversial and doesn’t stir up many emotions. This article contains a few great topic examples to help you understand the requirements for this speech.

Education informative speech topics

  1. Education is the bedrock of a successful career path in developing nations.
  2. Art has a role to play in society, just like science.
  3. Teaching students practical skills is more beneficial than theories.
  4. What happens when you take education for granted f?
  5. A college education is essential, as a high school diploma is not enough.
  6. Scientifically proven ways to improve your grades without stress.
  7. Homeschooling has more advantages than traditional education.
  8. The benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad.
  9. Online education has more advantages than traditional learning.
  10. Test and theoretical examinations are inefficient methods of grading students.

Funny informative speech topics

  1. Three body parts do not serve any functional purpose.
  2. Most awkward types of wrestling and mixed martial arts in the world.
  3. Unbelievable events that took place in the World Cup over the last decade.
  4. Keeping your party guests entertained with these funny jokes.
  5. Funny facts about men you probably didn’t know.
  6. How to keep yourself busy in traffic.
  7. What babies look like during different stages of gestation.
  8. How to get away with being the laziest member of the family.
  9. Raising kids will reveal the ugliest parts of you.
  10. How to tell funny jokes without being offensive.

Health informative speech topics

  1. The consequences of neglecting cardiovascular health in your prime.
  2. Physical fitness and health are equally necessary for longevity.
  3. Creating autism awareness is the first step to improving the life quality of people living with autism.
  4. Signs of cardiovascular problems that are difficult to spot.
  5. The importance of feminine hygiene practices during menstruation.
  6. Keeping your immunity strong when you are living with chronic illness.
  7. Improving your sleeping habits to get higher quality sleep.
  8. The relationship between junk food and childhood obesity.
  9. The role of socialization in promoting health and fitness.

Informative speech topics about animals

  1. The brain chemistry of whales.
  2. How to teach your cat tricks like your dog.
  3. How aquatic life is suffering the adverse effects of dumping plastic waste in the ocean.
  4. Poaching is a leading contributor to animal extinction.
  5. How do animals migrate across states?
  6. Animals should not be kept in zoos or enclosures unless they are endangered.
  7. How intelligent are dolphins?
  8. The list of currently endangered species at risk of dying off within the next 50 years.
  9. How to keep your pet calm during transportation.
  10. Choosing the right pet for your family home.

Informative speech topics about music

  1. The evolution of music over the last five decades
  2. Keeping your eyes safe during a loud rock concert
  3. Who were the pioneers of modern pop culture music?
  4. How to start a career as a songwriter
  5. The origin and evolution of reggae music
  6. Mental health benefits of listening to soothing music
  7. How to create beats on a computer and a headset
  8. Monetizing music in the digital era
  9. Using social media for affordable music promotion
  10. The most famous musicians in global history

Medical informative speech topics

  1. The disparities in health care services within high and low-income communities
  2. Creating awareness about food allergies in children
  3. The ever-rising cost of healthcare in the United States
  4. Drinking enough water may save your life during a good shortage
  5. The ugly truth about heavy makeup products
  6. The importance of safe sleep for infants and toddlers
  7. How to improve your quality of life when you are living with chronic illness
  8. Are there differences between the male and female brain?

Sports informative speech topics

  1. The origin and evolution of professional basketball
  2. Gender pay gap among professional footballers and basketballers
  3. Cyber sport isn’t a real type of sport – what exactly is it?
  4. How to make children more interested in sports irrespective of gender
  5. The best tips for protecting yourself during winter sports
  6. Mixing politics with sports prevents fair play and holds athletes back
  7. The origin of athlete grades in high school and colleges
  8. How team sports promote collaboration from childhood to adulthood

The examples above will help you come up with an interesting topic. You can pick researchable topics on this website and start writing your first informative speech today.

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